Wednesday, April 16, 2008


S and I went and had a awesome day of photographic fun! I remember when I was initially talking with her and she was asking what kinda theme we should work around. Without a moments hesitation I knew she could completely pull off an urban edgy shoot.
She was asking, could I? Am I able to? Check out below to see!
Just adding some suspense
loo loo loo

We were rolling around the garage floor, going under the stairs admist good ol' carbon monoxide...but oh so least for S
The garage is fantastic with so many neat crooks and crannies to go to. Absolutely beautiful light featuring a beautiful model!The light in the garage is neato...
Ooh, so then we went to the rooftop of the garage to capture this smokin' shot! (side note with a smokin' car)

Thanks for rolling around the lovely garage floor and putting up with the crazy ideas! And thanks mucho to V for helping out and coming along on the shoot! It was fun!


J is a very talented celloist, and back when I was scouting for volunteer models I was happy to find out that J would be ecstatic to volunteer. Not only that, but she also wanted to bring her cello for the shoot and oh did my mind wander with a frenzy of ideas. It was so cool to hear her play the cello as it echoed through the hills:This was when it started to sprinkle a bit, but we didn't let it deter us from taking pictures, we took some shelter under a tree
I actually found a wonderful field of yellow flowers I wanted to do some pictures in, unfortunately it was almost all plucked and cut, but we found a little bit left

J found a cool pile of wood to sit on, hey anything can be a prop!Mostly though, we had alot of fun and though we did get some good moody pictures it was all about having fun! woot!