Thursday, September 27, 2007


So yeah I had a nice drive in the woodland area of Northern California. There were so many cool things to take pictures of and I wanted to stop every single time (haha which would probably be every half a mile) but I didn't want to annoy my friend and make our travel time twice as long. So I'm thinking, "hey why not just shoot while riding?" Don't worry I was a passenger in the vehicle not the driver. Without further ado, the pictures while riding the car:

If you click on this picture to make it bigger, you may be able to see the sunlight streaming through the clouds, beautiful!!!

Ok these I didn't take while riding and we did have to get out of the car, sunset was just pretty is all :)

Sorry some of these pictures you can't seem to click to make bigger, not sure why...darn...


Shannon said...

these rule!! awesome job.

tawnya hood said...

Is that underwear on the line or something tied to the antanea?

I love this series of images, I feel so free and cool after looking at them :)


love the sky shot. we try to do the same thing just shoot out the window w/o stopping. it's tough not to stop. these are great!

jake said...

Wow those are really great shots of the sunset. I love the clouds bursting through the sun on the others, really great photos. Makes me want to get out west sometime....